Postal code query of Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province


⓵、Taizhou City Postal Code

Postal code: 225300.

Government residence: No. 58, Fenghuang East Road, Hailing District.

Telephone area code: (+86) 0523.

Administrative division code: 321200.


Taizhou, referred to as "Tai", formerly known as Hailing, is a pre fecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province. It is a city in the central area of ​​the Yangtze River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta An important industrial and trade port city in the region. As of 2021, the city has jurisdiction over 3 districts and 3 county-level cities, with a total area of ​​5,787 square kilometers. As of the end of 2021, Taizhou City’s permanent population was 4.5218 million. In 2021, Taizhou City achieved a regional GDP of 602.526 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.1%.

Taizhou is located in East China and central Jiangsu. It is an important part of the Yangtze River urban agglomeration. It borders the Yangtze River to the south, Yancheng to the north, Nantong to the east, and Yangzhou to the west. It is an important water and land port connecting the south and the north. , as the gateway to central Jiangsu Province, has been known as "the key port of water and land, and the county with its throat" since ancient times. More than 700 years ago, Marco Polo visited Taizhou and praised "this city is not very big, but it has many kinds of earthly happiness".

Taizhou is a national historical and cultural city. It was called Haiyang in the Qin Dynasty and Hailing in the Han Dynasty. It was built in the Southern Tang Dynasty and Wenchang in the Northern Song Dynasty. In the Southern Tang Dynasty (AD 937), it was a pre fecture and was named Taizhou, which means "the country is peaceful and the people are safe". Taizhou has a rich collection of humanities and famous figures. Wang Gen, Liu Xizai, Shi Naian, Zheng Banqiao and Mei Lanfang are outstanding repre sentatives in the history of Taizhou culture and art.

All the counties, cities (districts) under the jurisdiction of Taizhou have been built into national-level ecological demonstration zones and are among the top 100 counties in the country. At the same time, Taizhou is also a national civilized city, a national environmental protection model city, a national garden city, an outstanding tourist city in China, and a national A city with advanced technological advancement and the happiest city in China in 2021.

⓶、Taizhou Xinghua postal code
225700. According to the official postal code database query, the postal code of Xinghua City, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province is 225700. The first two digits, 22, repre sent Jiangsu Province, the third digit, 5, repre sents Taizhou City, the fourth digit, 7, repre sents Xinghua City, and the last two digits repre sent Xinghua City. The 00 repre sents the specific delivery area.

⓷、Taizhou postal code
According to the postal code database query, the first two digits 22 repre sent Jiangsu Province, the third digit 5 ​​repre sents Taizhou City, the fourth digit 3 repre sents Hailing District, etc., and the last two digits 00 repre sent Hailing District and other following areas. Delivery Bureau.

⓷、Taizhou postal code
According to relevant information from the postal code database, the postal code of Taizhou is 225300, the address is Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, and the area code is 0523.
Taizhou has a rich collection of humanities and famous figures. Wang Gen, Liu Xizai, Shi Naian, Zheng Banqiao and Mei Lanfang are outstanding repre sentatives in the history of Taizhou culture and art.
